Wednesday, January 16, 2013

To Whomever Shall Befall This Site:


 I am normally a very private person. I generally keep to myself. I am that friend that does not post statuses on facebook or that student that does not go out during the week and sometimes, most weekends. Maybe it is fact that I do enjoy my privacy. Or it may be that I am a bit of a perfectionist and always fear messing up. Either way, the thought of keeping a public blog seems incredibly daunting.

For that reason, I created a pseudonym, one that I hope will allow me to write freely but also explain more of my personality. As a Creative Writing and Cellular and Molecular Biology major, I hoped to incorporate a mixture of my favorite subjects.

Elinor Addison James pulls from many literary references that I enjoy. I took the idea of using my initials from the Bronte sisters, who called themselves Currer Bell for Charlotte, Ellis for Emily, and Acton for Anne. I also took the idea that many authors - for example, Elizabeth Barrett Browning - use their full name. Elinor just comes from a common female name during the Victorian Era. Addison refers to the Joseph Addison, the eighteenth century English author, poet, essayist, politician, etc. that wrote The Spectator. Finally to allude to some American authors, I chose James for Henry James, who wrote many books, including A Portrait of a Lady, Washington Square and Daisy Miller. Maybe over time, I will pull more quotes and references to other works and authors.

Meanwhile, the title "Not Harmful if Ingested" can be taken in many different ways, but it mainly is a scientific joke. In most biology or chemistry labs, the professor always warns the class of that experiment and chemicals' hazards. Most chemicals, except thankfully water, are marked, "Hazardous. Do Not Ingest." Some are even harmful to inhale. But as some professors add, "In this lab, most of the substances that we use will not kill you." In a way it reflects this assignment. Although I certainly do not suggest that you or I  ingest a computer, I imply it metaphorically. Through dedication to this assignment, the challenge of writing in a public blog may subside, and it may seem less harmful.

Either way, I wish the rest of my follow writers good luck on this assignment! Best wishes in writing! And to any unfortunate individual to come across this site: Always remember it is not harmful if ingested.

Respectfully yours,

Elinor Addison James 


  1. Dig the pseudonym, Elinor!

    Martin Wyck

  2. Thank you!

    That is an interesting choice as well? Any significance?
